Tuesday, February 28, 2012

29 gifts: day fourteen

Day fourteen's gift was a flower for the checker at the grocery store.  I had one of those end of a long day run through the grocery store late one evening.  I was thinking of a friend at work who could have used some flowers and decided to buy a few to make a small bouquet for her.

At the check out, the cashier was super friendly and commented on the sunflowers.  She said she had used sunflowers and wildflowers in her wedding and that they photographed beautifully.  We bonded over our love of sunflowers.

I was headed out the door and thought that she might enjoy one of the three sunflowers in the bundle.  I turned my cart around and presented her with a sunflower.

Sunflowers make just about everything better, including long days at work, weddings, and grocery shopping!

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