Sunday, July 24, 2016

Plant geek: summer blooms

There is a plant that I watch for any signs of the first blooms. The vigil begins in early summer and continues until the first buds begin to appear.

In the right year, with just the right conditions, the plant will go from loaded with buds to a riot of blooms in what seems like a single day.

The flowers end up being a little larger then a saucer or dessert plate. They feel very old fashioned with the simple white with a red center.

We planted these along our walkway from the garage to the house and they are the perfect way to begin and end each work day.

 I think they are a hearty hibiscus. (I always vow to do a better job of mapping what we plant. This is mostly wishful thinking because I never record my notes in the same place. Something to aspire to.)

I thought it would be fun to show the blooms in various stages from bud to full bloom.

You can begin to get a sense of the color and shape of the flowers.
And then, the blooms!

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