Saturday, December 31, 2011

29 gifts: day three

Today's gift was $20 to a homeless couple.   It's hard to believe that we have individuals without a home in our area.  We often see the man we gifted walking with his dog on the east side of town.  I have always though, "I should do something to help."  I even went through a drive thru one night to get him (and his dog) a hamburger, but when I returned to where he was standing with his sign, he was gone.  Today was the day.

I know there is a lot of controversy about giving money directly to the homeless.  I get it.  Today,  it felt like the right thing to do.

(We also delivered the bread we baked to say hello to our favorite neighbors and catch up on his recovery...our second neighbor wasn't home, so we left his bread with a Happy New Year note.)

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