Friday, May 14, 2010

Kind people - we are blessed.

This week has been full of challenges and blessings. Several staffing changes at work and a tremendously busy time for our programming has created a lot of extra stress and hours at the office. Just the nature of our work allows us to interface with the public a lot - some of the people are amazing and others are very insistent and demanding.

Lately, I am reminded that there are kind people in the world. I am surrounded by many of them - simply some pretty fantastic men and women who care a great deal about others. Today, a long-time resident of Lebo sent me one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. Sara and I have connections through K-State and we recently saw each other during a meeting on the campus. At the conclusion of business, I shared that a Saturday program would require me to miss the third and final auction associated with my grandparent's estate. My husband would go as my representative with a list of things I really wanted to remember my grandparents.
Today, a package arrived at the office with a note from Sara. Her two daughters and son went to the auction and bought a lot of my Grandmother's jewelry. They had sent off several pieces to be made into a necklace for me. It is simply lovely. I was overwhelmed to think of the kindness of the gesture. It is a creative and elegant way of paying tribute to my Grandmother. I am blessed by kind people.

We have the most generous friends and neighbors around us showing kindness through small and large gestures... the sharing of plants, tools on loan, book recommendations, and thoughtful gifts. I have a visual for the number of thoughtful people in our lives in my kitchen, spare bedroom and garage. Brace yourself.

About two months ago, my husband put out a note at his school that we were low on egg cartons and if anyone had any they could share, we would appreciate it. The result was simply amazing.

My kitchen.

My garage.

My spare bedroom.

The bottom line is that you can get what you need when you simply ask. You can have more than you ever want when you surround yourself with great friends. I am blessed.

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