As we have built our business, we have always loved the amazing people we meet. We are very lucky that the type of work that we do allows us to connect with some interesting, and while different, still like-minded people. And, nothing feels better than meeting someone and immediately having something in common and the building on that commonality over time. Even if that commonality is restoring an old building, or the detail on an old piece of furniture, or the character of a rusty old kid's wagon.
A little sappy. A little cheesy. We'll take it!
We have had a motto that we make nice things for nice people. (Or, sometimes find nice things for nice people.) It's the nice people who are the DAY MAKERS!
Some of the nicest people just sent photos of some of their finds at The Market. We were really humbled and pleased to see these things in their space. So special.

The barn door has been looking for a forever home for a little while. We have loved it for the character and this spot is perfect! Notice the wire pull for a handle and the remaining rusty hinge.
The found several barn wood bookcases and they were the center of several displays. We were glad to see them find good homes.
We repurposed wine staves with some salvaged canteen holders to make planters. These would also make great organizers.Our wine barrel pub tables are still some of my favorites. We love the look of this table in this space.
Nice things for Nice People.What a great reason to keep going!